Error Handling

This guide is intended for all Wise Platform partners to understand how Wise API error codes function and how best to build your integration around them.

Wise error responses generally fall into two categories, system errors and client errors. Your integration should be built to accommodate both of these situations, typically by either passing the Wise error message through to your UI or mapping the Wise error to your own application messages. All Wise error responses can be structured as a simple response with relevant fields, or an array containing one or more objects related to the error flow.

While we are actively working to improve our API error codes, at this time Wise error codes are not unique, and are used in conjunction with a provided payload body to determine the specific error.

System Errors

System errors are not typically caused by the end user, and often require your involvement to remedy the cause of the error. Generally these errors should be handled by mapping the error or path field to a friendly UI response, though some of these errors may have end user messages or relevant fields to pass through.

System Error Example
"error": "invalid_token",
"error_description": "945fdc16-56cb-4039-90b4-998d583740ce"

Client Errors

Client errors consist of issues solvable by the end user, or application client issues that you should design your application around. These errors include causes such as missing data input, poorly formatted inputs, or your application not enforcing required fields for the end user.

Example of end user issue
"errors": [
"code": "error.greaterThanZero",
"message": "Please type in a number that's larger than 0.",
"path": "sourceAmount",
"arguments": []
Example of application error to build for
"errors": [
"code": "ERROR",
"message": "Unable to parse number [null]",
"path": "targetRecipientId",
"arguments": [